ready for another fun contest? 
Watch the video below to discover how 5 of YOU can win 2 FREE Preferred Tickets to the first annual Knowledge Broker world Summit in Las Vegas Oct 2, 3 & 4, 2020. Plus one of you a meet and great with Tony and Dean. 
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Here are your 5 simple steps to enter to win:
  • Step 1: Film your video following the model Dean shared in his video above.
  • ​                                 A. Finish this Sentence -- "A knowledge broker is _____________-?
  • ​                                 B. My name is _______________ I live in __________________ and I impact peoples lives by sharing or  teaching how to ____________________? 
  • ​                                 C. My name is _________________ and I am a Knowledge Broker
  • ​                                 D. Bonus - in 60 seconds or less share what you love most about KBB or the community. 
  • ​                                 E. Have fun, smile, be yourself and know we are impacting lives. (Some tips for filming below)
  • Step 2: Upload your video to YouTube and get a public YouTube URL (quick tutorial video below if you need to know how) 
  •  Step 3: Enter your name, email, phone number and YouTube link below and click "Submit My Info!"
  • Step #4: Agree to the simple but important terms and conditions
I agree that everything said in my video is 100% truthful and I can prove all of my statements. I also give Dean & Tony permission to share my video with others in any media outlet they desire to help spread this positive movement with the world!
Filming Tips:
  • If using a phone make sure to film with your video your the phone turned sideways. 
  • ​Use a tripod or have someone hold the camera as steady as possible (Unless walking and talking of course) 
  • ​Film with light in front of you.  
  • ​Try and find a nice background or setting as the backdrop. 
  • ​Don't over think what to say or over rehearse. Share your transformation or success from your heart!  
  • ​Enthusiasm and Authenticity outweigh over-rehearsed and perfect. Be yourself. Remember what it felt like before you got enrolled. You may have been nervous and unsure this was for you. Now you see the other side. Remember both feelings and share truthful from your heart. 
  • ​If you want, get creative in iMovie or MovieMaker and edit the video where needed. 
  • ​But know some of our past winners were just people sharing their success from the heart direct to camera and we did the edits. 
  • ​Get creative, have fun and share your story of success!!
  • ​Keep the entire video under 2 minutes;-)
Here is a quick tutorial on how to upload your video..
Rules, Regulations & Musts:
  • All videos will be viewed by our internal "decision team" and the top 5 will be selected.
  • ​We have the right to use your video on TV, in our documentary and/or any and all online or print materials. 
  • ​We have the rights to use all videos submitted even if you are not one of the winners
  • ​We are not paying you for a story.. We are creating an incentive and contest to motivate you to share the TRUTH about your experience with KBB, The facebook private group, Dean, Tony and/or Russell
  • ​We ask that all you share is 100% the truth and if you claim financial gain we will need proof.
  • ​Any claims that you state like "Did my first mastermind in 15 days with 7 people at $1,000 each" must be proved with documentation. Please don't exaggerate or share anything false. No need to when so much success is being created.
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