(Last Video) - Don't miss out on another year of dominating in today's digital economy. Enrollment in The KBB Course - PLUS 7 Incredible Bonuses - Goes Away When the Timer Hits Zero.. 
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
It's Your Time For Success AND Impact!
From The Desk Of Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi
You don't have to just choose one anymore...
- Some people achieve massive success....
- Some people do something meaningful and create a legacy...

And NOW - the blueprint to do both (without sacrificing) is HERE and it's HUMMING to the tune of 29,680 people in over 150 countries! (And the more the better for us all)

And if you're wondering HOW this could even be possible or "what's the catch" let us paint you a picture...
At a staggering rate, people are choosing self education over traditional education & their own trial and error. The world is voting with their wallets that they would rather learn from a professional doer than a professional teacher... Creating an industry Forbes says will triple by 2025.

- Imagine sharing your unique passion and experiences...
- Imagine being the reporter of other peoples knowledge..
- Imagine creating a community around a niche you love..

And IMAGINE doing that and at the same time creating more success, abundance and freedom in your life at the same time? 
The life you deserve!
this is the "once a year" OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU...
If Tony, Dean, Russell & Jenna were sitting with you right now face to face... and looked you in the eyes... could you dig deep in your soul and answer YES to any of the questions below:
  • Do you have a desire to make a positive impact on others' lives, but also create more abundance in your life and leave a legacy that you can feel incredibly proud of?
  • If we taught you the process to extract your skill, knowledge, passion or life experience would you be willing to share it in person or online with others hungry or even NEEDING that information?
  • ​​If you feel that you don't have anything to share, would you be excited to work with other experts and do the important work to set up a training and split the revenue with them (while also learning from them)?
  • ​​Do you realize that there is no such thing as magical money machine and you actually have to learn from the best and do the work if you will ever reach the success you truly crave?
  • Are you ready to tap into another level of significance, growth, contribution and freedom?
If you could answer YES to one or more of the questions above, then you are exactly where you are supposed to be... right now...and here's why...
TOny robbins, dean graziosi and you !
For over 60 years combined Tony and Dean have defined what it means to help people change their lives, change the world and create next level success from it...

And now; for the first time ever, they have teamed up to create a once-in-a-lifetime Gold Standard total blueprint course and "Secret Weapon" software designed to help YOU join in on the exploding knowledge industry. But how does this apply to you? Well here's how...
If you were able to answer YES to any of the questions above, then The Knowledge Broker Blueprint is your secret recipe to changing your life forever.

This course and software; designed and perfected over two full years, was created to help anyone from a leading expert in their field with 1,000,000 followers on Instagram to someone who has 0 followers... learn how to create, fill and run small groups, workshops, communities or masterminds with complete confidence and complete ease.
** Individual’s experiences shown here are not typical. Their experiences are their opinion and are an example of those who have found satisfaction with our course. They do not represent a guarantee of success. Your experiences may vary.
The course accomplishes this by...
  • ​Step #1: The Mindset - This course will start by helping you develop an unstoppable mindset because there's no one better on the planet for human potential than Tony Robbins. You will learn how to build a culture of progress and avoid failure by crushing the beliefs that hold you back and unleashing the true power inside of you!
  • ​​​Step #2: The Extraction - You will extract your superpower (most likely one that you may not even realize you have) or someone else's, discover the people who need you the most, then plan out exactly what you can teach others while at the same time giving you the secrets they have been using for many many years.
  • Step #3: The Sharing - After you've built a powerful mindset and know you superpower, it is time to understand how you can find those people who need that information. In this section you will learn marketing and sales secrets from Dean who has been called one of the greatest marketing minds of our time. After this section of the course you will walk away with a humble power knowing you can do this. 
  • ​Step #4: The Filling - You will learn strategies from Dean and his team so you can master all platforms... from social media to running ads to podcasts to email marketing... and then copywriting secrets to tie it all together! Plus learn how to find your first 100 perfect fans so you can start fast with massive momentum! 
  • Step #5: The Running - At this point you will understand how your event will positively impact lives and who is going to be in the room. You also are confident in how to fill the event with the right clients by using proven marketing techniques that only the best in the world know. Next is the science behind running an in-person or virtual event like a pro.
  • Step #6: The Knowledge Broker - This is when the course becomes a true game changer for the world. If you don't have a following, but you still have a passion to change your life and you know this could work for you, then in this section you will learn directly from Dean, Tony & Russell Brunson on how to be the reporter of others expertise. Once you finish this course you will be a commodity for experts all around the world. You will officially be a Mastermind trained Knowledge Broker.
This is NOT a course on how to spend 2 years writing a book to sell online for $10...

This is NOT a course designed to teach you how to sell an object or product and earn profits but never positively impact lives in the process...

This is NOT a get rich fast - business in a box, with promises that it's fast and easy...

While all of those are the preferred route for some people, this course is specifically designed to show you EXACTLY how you can confidently run a small group, workshop, community or mastermind (virtual or in person) and how you can make a massive impact on the world and create real, sustainable success for yourself.

But this offer with these insane bonuses from Dean and Tony is limited... When the timer hits zero this offer will be closed.

If you're ready for that next level of life then you need to click below now and enroll in the life-changing program!
look at just some of the success of our incredible kbb community
23,680 PEOPLE - 150 countries - 4,000+ niches
** Individual’s experiences shown here are not typical. Their experiences are their opinion and are an example of those who have found satisfaction with our course. They do not represent a guarantee of success. Your experiences may vary.
What You Get TODAY - PLUS, EXTRA Bonuses:
Enroll in the Knowledge Broker Blueprint TODAY and Receive The Course The World Is Raving Over PLUS 6 Priceless Bonuses You Can't Get Any Place Else For FREE...
Bonus #1 - One Year Access - Mindmint Software
Get an entire year of the "Secret Weapon" MINDMINT software for FREE when you enroll in the Knowledge Broker Blueprint Today! (Value = $1,164)
Bonus #2 - Course Walkthrough & Graduation Party!
Each Week Dean And Selective Team Members Will Walk You Through The KBB Course LIVE To Help You Confidently Complete It! PLUS - Join Dean And Fellow Knowledge Brokers LIVE On April 23rd (Week 7) To Celebrate Your Progress, Receive Awards And Get A Bonus Training From Dean On Next-Level Sales Strategies!
Let Dean Mentor You With The Power Of LIVE Monthly Trainings Focused On Mastering Your Mindset, Marketing & Momentum! This Will Soon Become Your Favorite Day Of Each Month ($1,164) 
Bonus #4 - KBB "Start Fast" Welcome Box
Get a (surprise) KBB Welcome Box shipped to your front door with a KBB mug, a KBB pen, a Better Life Journal & more surprise gifts to give you powerful momentum as you start the course!
Bonus #5 - The Ultimate Edge
Discover the tools necessary to make your life extraordinary! The #1 self-improvement system, Ultimate Edge, will help you discover what you want most in life, then give you the proven tools and strategies
to achieve it.
Bonus #6 - [NEW] Jenna Kutcher Bonus
Join Dean and Jenna in your KBB journey and watch this incredible bonus training on the tactics to complete your first or next mastermind with confidence!
Bonus #7 - [NEW] Russell Brunson Bonus
Learn some of the next level marketing & mindset tactics someone like Russell Brunson has discovered in creating one of the fastest growing companies in the world!
** Individual’s experiences shown here are not typical. Their experiences are their opinion and are an example of those who have found satisfaction with our course. They do not represent a guarantee of success. Your experiences may vary.
When you enroll in this program you will soon realize that NOW is the time, YOU are completely qualified to succeed if you access these tools and TONY & DEAN have created and assembled this for YOU.
After you hone the mindset, discover the best tactics and capabilities on the planet, and build your road-map... you will soon be able to take action and implement what you learn with confidence.
Then you will have the tools to get in front of this tidal wave of opportunity... Now is the time and Tony and Dean are the ones qualified to educate you on how to do it... 

And for just $4,997 $2,997 $1,997 or 4 payments of $597 you get instant access to this incredible course, all the FREE bonuses and the "Secret Weapon" MindMint software!

You’re going to find a level of confidence that you may never have experienced in any other course or training in your life. By the end of module one you will realize this is absolutely for you... 

With over 1,200 comments a DAY inside the private Facebook group we know this to be FACT!

You know that to get to that next level you are going to need next-level capabilities. And this is your chance to learn from next-level mentors in a capacity that has never before been created.

This course provides the tools, knowledge and support to help you uncover "YOU 2.0"!

Tony and Dean have trained many of the world's greatest thought leaders, influencers and millions of others along the way. They are beyond grateful that they have created thriving companies and been able to serve at levels most people could only imagine.  

And now They Want To HELP YOU reach your full potential. So that's why they priced the valuable course, software and bonuses at just $1,997 today. (Or 4 payments of $597)

With over 60 years combined experience, trust that they will work hard to show you that our education is worth 10x that price tag.

Or trust TS Mitchell (a KBB member who was just like you) when she says Module 3 ALONE is worth $15,000!

Sign up now and go watch one of the first few trainings and you'll realize sooner than you could believe that this is worth so much more than the $1,997.

Take action today so they can help you start crafting your new plan as soon as tomorrow...

Think about it…

Would you pay $1,997 to be personally trained by Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi on how to make more impact and create next level success in an exploding industry?

Would you pay $1,997 for the blueprint that 24,000+ people in 150+ countries are already using to tap in to their next level? 

Would you pay $1,997 for a software that literally is a secret weapon that allows you to take what you learned and immediately implement with confidence? 

Would you pay just $1,997 to get advanced "client finder" training from Dean's personal team of experts? Including Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, Affiliates, Emails and Copywriting to tie it all together!

Of course! Who wouldn’t? It could save you years of trial and error and countless costly failures...

Well you get ALL of that for… you guessed it... just $1,997!

Don't miss this opportunity - Remember once it closes this offer is gone for good.

It's your time!!!!
This is your defining moment.
The decision is now. Enroll In The Knowledge Broker Blueprint Course Today Before It's Too Late!
It's Your Time For Success AND Impact!
From The Desk Of Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi
You don't have to just choose one anymore...
- Some people achieve massive success....
- Some people do something meaningful and create a legacy...

And NOW - the blueprint to do both (without sacrificing) is HERE and it's HUMMING to the tune of 29,680 people in over 150 countries! (And the more the better for us all)

And if you're wondering HOW this could even be possible or "what's the catch" let us paint you a picture...

At a staggering rate, people are choosing self education over traditional education & their own trial and error. The world is voting with their wallets that they would rather learn from a professional doer than a professional teacher...  Creating an industry Forbes says will triple by 2025. 

- Imagine sharing your unique passion and experiences...
- Imagine being the reporter of other peoples knowledge..
- Imagine creating a community around a niche you love..

And IMAGINE doing that and at the same time creating more success, abundance and freedom in your life at the same time? 
ThIS IS THE life you deserve!
this is the "once a year" OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU...
If Tony, Dean, Russell & Jenna were sitting with you right now face to face... and looked you in the eyes... could you dig deep in your soul and answer YES to any of the questions below:
  • Do you have a desire to make a positive impact on others' lives, but also create more abundance in your life  and leave a legacy that you can feel incredibly proud of?
  • If we taught you the process to extract your skill, knowledge, passion or life experience would you be willing to share it in person or online with others hungry or even NEEDING that information? 
  • ​If you feel that you don't have anything to share, would you be excited to work with other experts and do the important work to set up a training and split the revenue with them (while also learning from them)?
  • ​Do you realize that there is no such thing as magical money machine and you actually have to learn from the best and do the work if you will ever reach the success you truly crave?
  • ​Are you ready to tap into another level of significance, growth, contribution and freedom?
If you could answer YES to one or more of the questions above, then you are exactly where you are supposed to be... right now...and here's why...
TOny robbins, dean graziosi and you !
For over 60 years combined Tony and Dean have defined what it means to help people change their lives, change the world and create next level success from it...

And now; for the first time ever, they have teamed up to create a once-in-a-lifetime Gold Standard total blueprint course and "Secret Weapon" software designed to help YOU join in on the exploding knowledge industry. But how does this apply to you? Well here's how...

If you were able to answer YES to any of the questions above, then The Knowledge Broker Blueprint is your secret recipe to changing your life forever.

This course and software; designed and perfected over two full years, was created to help anyone from a leading expert in their field with 1,000,000 followers on Instagram to someone who has 0 followers... learn how to create, fill and run small groups, workshops, communities or masterminds with complete confidence and complete ease.
** Individual’s experiences shown here are not typical. Their experiences are their opinion and are an example of those who have found satisfaction with our course. They do not represent a guarantee of success. Your experiences may vary.
The course accomplishes this by...
  • ​Step #1: The Mindset - This course will start by helping you develop an unstoppable mindset because there's no one better on the planet for human potential than Tony Robbins. You will learn how to build a culture of progress and avoid failure by crushing the beliefs that hold you back and unleashing the true power inside of you!
  • ​​​Step #2: The Extraction - You will extract your superpower (most likely one that you may not even realize you have) or someone else's, discover the people who need you the most, then plan out exactly what you can teach others while at the same time giving you the secrets they have been using for many many years. 
  • Step #3: The Sharing - After you've built a powerful mindset and know you superpower, it is time to understand how you can find those people who need that information. In this section you will learn marketing and sales secrets from Dean who has been called one of the greatest marketing minds of our time. After this section of the course you will walk away with a humble power knowing you can do this. 
  • ​Step #4: The Filling - You will learn strategies from Dean and his team so you can master all platforms... from social media to running ads to podcasts to email marketing... and then copywriting secrets to tie it all together! Plus learn how to find your first 100 perfect fans so you can start fast with massive momentum! 
  • Step #5: The Running - At this point you will understand how your event will positively impact lives and who is going to be in the room. You also are confident in how to fill the event with the right clients by using proven marketing techniques that only the best in the world know. Next is the science behind running an in-person or virtual event like a pro.
  • Step #6: The Reporter Of Others Knowledge - This is when the course becomes a true game changer for the world. If you don't have a following, but you still have a passion to change your life and you know this could work for you, then in this section you will learn directly from Dean, Tony & Russell Brunson on how to be the reporter of others expertise. Once you finish this course you will be a commodity for experts all around the world. You will officially be a Mastermind trained Knowledge Broker.
This is NOT a course on how to spend 2 years writing a book to sell online for $10...

This is NOT a course designed to teach you how to sell an object or product and earn profits but never positively impact lives in the process...

This is NOT a get rich fast - business in a box, with promises that it's fast and easy...

While all of those are the preferred route for some people, this course is specifically designed to show you EXACTLY how you can confidently run a small group, workshop, community or mastermind (virtual or in person) and how you can make a massive impact on the world and create real, sustainable success for yourself.

But this offer with these insane bonuses from Dean and Tony is limited... When the timer hits zero this offer will be closed.

If you're ready for that next level of life then you need to click below now and enroll in the life-changing program!
look at just some of the success of our incredible kbb community
23,680 PEOPLE - 150 countries - 4,000+ niches
** Individual’s experiences shown here are not typical. Their experiences are their opinion and are an example of those who have found satisfaction with our course. They do not represent a guarantee of success. Your experiences may vary.
What You Get TODAY - PLUS, EXTRA Bonuses:
Enroll in the Knowledge Broker Blueprint TODAY and Receive The Course The World Is Raving Over PLUS 6 Priceless Bonuses You Can't Get Any Place Else For FREE...
Bonus #1 - One Year Access - Mindmint Software
Get an entire year of the "Secret Weapon" MINDMINT software for FREE when you enroll in the Knowledge Broker Blueprint Today! (Value = $1,164)
Bonus #2 - Course Walkthrough & Graduation Party!
Each Week Dean And Selective Team Members Will Walk You Through The KBB Course LIVE To Help You Confidently Complete It! PLUS - Join Dean And Fellow Knowledge Brokers LIVE On April 23rd (Week 7) To Celebrate Your Progress, Receive Awards And Get A Bonus Training From Dean On Next-Level Sales Strategies!
Let Dean Mentor You With The Power Of LIVE Monthly Trainings Focused On Mastering Your Mindset, Marketing & Momentum! This Will Soon Become Your Favorite Day Of Each Month ($1,164) 
Bonus #4 - KBB "Start Fast" Welcome Box
Get a (surprise) KBB Welcome Box shipped to your front door with a KBB mug, a KBB pen, a Better Life Journal & more surprise gifts to give you powerful momentum as you start the course!
Bonus #5 - The Ultimate Edge
Discover the tools necessary to make your life extraordinary! The #1 self-improvement system, Ultimate Edge, will help you discover what you want most in life, then give you the proven tools and strategies 
to achieve it.
Bonus #6 - [NEW] Jenna Kutcher Bonus
Join Dean and Jenna in your KBB journey and watch this incredible bonus training on the tactics to complete your first or next mastermind with confidence!
Bonus #7 - [NEW] Russell Brunson Bonus
Learn some of the next level marketing & mindset tactics someone like Russell Brunson has discovered in creating one of the fastest growing companies in the world!
** Individual’s experiences shown here are not typical. Their experiences are their opinion and are an example of those who have found satisfaction with our course. They do not represent a guarantee of success. Your experiences may vary.
When you enroll in this program you will soon realize that NOW is the time, YOU are completely qualified to succeed if you access these tools and TONY & DEAN have created and assembled this for YOU.

After you hone the mindset, discover the best tactics and capabilities on the planet, and build your road-map... you will soon be able to take action and implement what you learn with confidence.
Then you will have the tools to get in front of this tidal wave of opportunity... Now is the time and Tony and Dean are the ones qualified to educate you on how to do it... 

And for just $4,997 $1,997 or 4 payments of $597 you get instant access to this incredible course, all the FREE bonuses and the "Secret Weapon" MindMint software!

You’re going to find a level of confidence that you may never have experienced in any other course or training in your life. By the end of module one you will realize this is absolutely for you... 

With over 1,200 comments a DAY inside the private Facebook group we know this to be FACT!

You know that to get to that next level you are going to need next-level capabilities. And this is your chance to learn from next-level mentors in a capacity that has never before been created.

This course provides the tools, knowledge and support to help you uncover "YOU 2.0"!

Tony and Dean have trained many of the world's greatest thought leaders, influencers and millions of others along the way. They are beyond grateful that they have created thriving companies and been able to serve at levels most people could only imagine.  

And now They Want To HELP YOU reach your full potential. So that's why they priced the valuable course, software and bonuses at just $1,997 today. (Or 4 payments of $597)

With over 60 years combined experience, trust that they will work hard to show you that our education is worth 10x that price tag.

Or trust TS Mitchell (a KBB member who was just like you) when she says Module 3 ALONE is worth $15,000!

Sign up now and go watch one of the first few trainings and you'll realize sooner than you could believe that this is worth so much more than the $1,997.

Take action today so they can help you start crafting your new plan as soon as tomorrow...

Think about it…

Would you pay $1,997 to be personally trained by Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi on how to make more impact and create next level success in an exploding industry?

Would you pay $1,997 for the blueprint that 24,000+ people in 150+ countries are already using to tap in to their next level? 

Would you pay $1,997 for a software that literally is a secret weapon that allows you to take what you learned and immediately implement with confidence? 

Would you pay just $1,997 to get advanced "client finder" training from Dean's personal team of experts? Including Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, Affiliates, Emails and Copywriting to tie it all together!

Of course! Who wouldn’t? It could save you years of trial and error and countless costly failures...

Well you get ALL of that for… you guessed it... just $1,997!

Don't miss this opportunity - Remember once it closes this offer is gone for good.

It's your time!!!!
This is your defining moment.
The decision is now. Enroll In The Knowledge Broker Blueprint Course Today Before It's Too Late!
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: We don't believe in "get rich" programs - only in hard work, adding value, and serving others with excellence and consistency. Our trainings are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your personal brand. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. *Statements contained here were made by individuals who participated in our training. KBB did not pay any consideration for these statements.  

Disclosure: I am an independent Mastermind.com Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from Mastermind.com. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of Mastermind.com or its parent company, Mastermind.com LLC.
Copyright 2020  |  Mastermind.com   |   Dgachieve.com  |  All Rights Reserved.